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Seeking help through the
Belief of Ahl as-Sunnah wa'l
Jama'ah regarding Seeking Help
through the Awliya
'Allama Sa'eedi and 'Allama 'Abd
al-Hakim Sharf Qadri write:
"It is better that help is sought
directly from Allah, most High,
and through the waseela of the
anbiya or awliya. If an individual
seeks help from the anbiya or
awliya by means of achieving
help from Allah, most High, the
person is not committing kufr."
[Sharh Muslim, 'Allama Sa'idi,
Nidaa-e-Ya Muhammad, page 30
by 'Allama Sharf Qadri]
Shaykh al-'Alawi al-Maliki, the
Mufti of Makka writes:
"When we ask help from the
anbiya and awliya, as a means, it
is through their supplication
(du'a) that they help us. Take for
example the Day of Judgment
when the umma will benefit from
our Beloved Prophet,
Hadrat Muhammad Mustafa (May
Allah bless him and grant him
peace). This is called asking for
help through the anbiya and
awliya and likewise to ask them
to make du'a for us can be called
help or istishfah or tawasul.
[Ziyarat of the Grave, page 213,
by the mufti of Makka, 'Allama
Shaykh Muhammad al-'Alawi al-
Maliki al-Makki]
The Permissibility of Seeking Help
from the Pious
Ibn Taymiyya and Qadi Shawkani
quote the following hadith: 'Abd
Allah bin Mas'ud, may Allah be
pleased with Him, reported that
our Beloved Prophet, (May Allah
bless him and grant him peace),
"If you ever find yourselves
stranded alone in a desolate
place or jungle, then say, 'O
servants of Allah! Help me, Allah
have mercy on you.'"
[Al-Kalim al-Tayyib, page 69, by
ibn Taymiyya, and Qadi Shawkani
in Tufhat ad-Dhakireen, page
130. Ibn Sunni, Imam Bazaar,
Hafidhh al Hasamim and Imam
Nawawi all quote this hadith also
in their various books.]
This hadith, demonstrates that
one can ask help from those who
one cannot see, like the angels,
the friends of Allah, the jinn, and
that it cannot be said that it is a
wrong act. Mullah 'Ali Qari writes
that our Beloved Prophet
Muhammad, (May Allah bless him
and grant him peace), said that:
If you are in the jungle alone say,
"O servants of Allah! Help me."
The servants of Allah are the
angels, Muslims, jinn, or 'abdal.
This hadith is useful for travellers.
[Al Hirzu al-ThAmin, page 378, by
Mullah 'Ali Qari]