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A supernatural act, or miracle,
performed by a Wali, is known as
karamat. One must understand
that the performing of miracles,
is not a necessary condition of
sainthood. There are some
people, when they read or hear
about the Awliya, he/she
immediately looks for miracles.
They think that since they have
not heard of any miracle, that
person cannot be a Wali. This is
totally incorrect. To deny the
karaamat of a Wali is a sign of
ignorance and misguidance, as
this is proven in the Qur'an. The
al-Kareem relates that karamat of
Hadrat Asif (Radi Allahu ta'ala
Anhu), who was a Wali from the
ummah of Hadrat Sulayman
(Alaihis Salaam). Before a blinking
of an eye, Hadrat Asif (Radi Allahu
ta'ala Anhu) presented the
throne of Bilqees, which was in a
very distant place, before Hadrat
Sulaiman (Alaihis Salaam). (Surah
27, Verse 10) Another narration
is when Hadrat Zakariya (Alaihis
Salaam) questioned Hadrat Bibi
Maryam (Radi Allahu ta'ala
Anhaa), the mother of Hadrat Isa
(Alaihis Salaam), about the fruit
which were out of season, that
he saw in her place of worship.
She said that they had come from
(Surah 3, Verse 37).