In Bukhari Shareef, Hadrat Abu
Huraira (Radi Allahu ta'ala Anhu)
reports the following Hadith-e-
The Most Beloved Prophet (Salla
Allahu Ta'ala Alayhi Wa Sallam)
has said that Allah said,
"Whoever shows enmity to a
friend of mine, I shall be at war
with him."
Who has the courage to be at
war with Allah? Certainly, they
will be destroyed! Therefore, it is
important that the Awliya should
be respected and honoured.
Whoever disrespects, and insults
the Awliya, will without a doubt,
receive Allah's wrath.
Hadrat Khawaja Gharib Nawaaz
Mu'inuddin Chisti (Radi Allahu
ta'ala Anhu) narrated:
"There was a man who hated the
Awliya. When he died, and was
placed in the grave, the people
tried to turn his face toward the
Qibla, but it would always turn
away from that direction. The
people were astonished at this
action. There was a voice from
nowhere announcing, 'It would
be a futile exercise to try to turn
his face toward the Qibla,
because he used to turn his face
away at seeing the Awliya, and
that he who would turn his face
in disgust from My friends, I will
turn My face on him. He is a
condemned soul, and on the day
of judgement, such people will
appear with faces of donkeys.'"
ALLAH Declares war on the enemies of the AWLIYA
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